How to get there...

How to get to our apartments


With your own car you can drive to Italy and from there take the ferry to Patras. With the ferry from Venice, Trieste or Ancona you can reach Patras in about 19 - 30 hours. The remaining driving time from Patras to Chrani is about 3.5 hours.


Faster you can go by plane. Fly e.g. to Athens - the remaining travel time from Athens to Chrani is also about 3.5 hours. You can either rent cheap cars or use the intercity bus. The intercity bus takes you comfortably and very cheaply (€ 17.50 per person) in 4 - 5 hours to Kalamata. Also the airport in Araxos (near Patras, also 3,5 hours driving time) and especially the airport in Kalamata (only 35 km away) is a good possibility. We would be pleased to organize a taxi to take you to your holiday home.


You will receive precise directions to our apartment from us by email before your journey.

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